CH BW Nite Wind Crystal of Dramatails
Silver Patched Tabby Selkirk Rex Longhair
Nite Wind Starduster x Nite Wind Petunia

Many thanks to Mary Jones of NiteWind Cattery in Wisconsin for this beautiful girl
Kabelkim Seamus Ruidh of Dramatails
Red Silver Classic Tabby Manx SH
LA SGC Faerietail Dougal x Kabelkim's Dola

Many thanks to Breeder Phyllis Durdy of Faerietail Manx for this wonderful boy
RW SGM Percephone Superstar of Dramatails
Solid White LH Household Pet Adult
New Home in Seattle
Supreme Grand Champion Alter
11th Best Alter Internationally 2006-07
2nd Best Alter NW Region 2006-07
Best Manx Alter Internationally

Grand Premier
8th Best Alter NW Region 2006-07
4th Best Manx Alter Internationally
Best Manx Alter NW Region
TICA 2006-07
Supreme Grand Master
22nd Best HHP Adult International
3rd Best HHP Adult NW Region
#1 in my heart

Now in her new home in Seattle!!
LA BW SGCA Nativeson's El Gato de Oro
Brown Spotted Tabby Pixiebob - DOB 6-22-95
Simba of Silversprings x StoneIsland Robbie Bobbie of Nativeson
Lifetime Achievement Award
11th Best Alter Northwest
2nd Best Pixiebob Alter International
Best Pixiebob Alter NW Region

First Pixiebob to earn a Lifetime
Achievement Award
#1 Selkirk Rex LH Kitten TICA
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